Love For The Horse's

Horse Care Facts
More Horse Fact's
Proper Horse Care
Training Tip's
Horse Prayer
Get the Facts on Horse Slaughter
Lipizzan Breed
Appaloosa Horse
American Mustang
The Clydesdale
When Is It Horse Abuse?
Why do People Abuse Horses
Horse Abuse - what you can do!
Horses up for adoption
91 horses seized from ranch in Sweet
Guest Book

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Horse's there beautiful and inspiring animals.They bring joy and love to our heats.They also bring  joy to a childs heart.It's just totally amazing what some horse breeds can do.I think that horse's are trully amazing animals,wiht many talents on  what they can do.There comes a time when we are all watching tv or reading the paper and we see things on horse abuse.I for one dont like reading or watchin the news and seeing this stuff.I am sure you are all the same way.I will have information on horses on this website.If  there is anything that you think i should add email me or sign my guestbook.
