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Guest Book

My horse be swift in flight.
Even like a bird;
My horse be swift in flight.
Bear me now in safety.
Far from the enemy arrows,
And you shall be rewarded
With streamers and ribbons of red.

~Sioux warrior's song to his horse


Feed me, water me and care for me.
And when the day's work is done,
provide me with shelter;
a clean, dry bed and a stall wide enough for me
to lie down and rest.

Talk to me.
Your voice often means as much to me as the reins.
Pet me sometimes, that I may serve you the more gladly
and learn to love you.

Do not jerk the reins and do not whip me when going uphill.
Never strike or kick me when I do not understand what you mean but give me a chance to understand.

Watch me,
and if I fail to do your bidding,
see if something is wrong with my harness or feet.
Examine my teeth when I do not eat.

Do not tie my head in an unnatural position,
or take away my best defense against flies
by cutting off my tail.

Don't smoke in my barn or leave me tied up overnight
and perhaps burn me to death while you are sleeping
in your comfortable bed.

And last, my master:
When my strength is gone, do not neglect me to death
or sell me to some cruel owner to be slowly starved
or worked to death, but take my life in the kindest way
and your God will reward you, hereafter.

- Author Unknown