History and Origin of the Breed
Lipizzans represent over 400 years of select breeding, founded upon selections
of superior horses gathered from all over the world. They not only possess beauty and nobility, but also a rare combination
of courage, strength, ability, temperament, and intelligence.
The Lipizzan breed had its beginning in 1580 when Archduke Charles II established the studfarm in Lipizza (Lipica), using the best imported Spanish horses, Andalusians, Barbs and Berbers
bred to the local Karst horses. The Karst horses were white in color, small, slow to mature, and extremely tough. Most people
have the false idea that Lipizzans inherited their high stepping gait from the Spanish horse. It was, however, the Karst horse
who gave the Lipizzan its high stepping gate.
In the late 1700's the horses were moved three times during the Napoleonic Wars. Napolean gained possession
of the horses for a while and bred his Arab stallion, VESIR, to the Lipizzaners. Seven Arab stallions were used to develop the breed during the period from 1807 to 1856. They were: SIGLAVY, TADMOR, GAZLAN,
SAYDAN, SAMSON, HADUDI, and BEN AZET. From 1792 to 1815, the Kladruby horse helped to develop two of the Lipizzan lines (Maestoso
& Favory). By 1880 there were 341 Lipizzan horses at the Lipizza studfarm. Of all the sires used in the 18th and 19th
centuries, only six founded the original stallion lines of the Lipizzan breed: SIGLAVY, NEAPOLOTANO, MAESTOSO, FAVORY, PLUTO,
and CONVERSANO. Later, in Croatia and Hungary, the TULIPAN and INCITATO lines were developed.
Until 1916, the Lipizzan studfarm always remained a private possession of the
Habsburg monarchy. Up to this time, the expansion of the breed had been affected over the centuries by military conflicts.
Whenever warfare threatened the Lipizza stud, the horses were moved away. During these moves, individual horses would occasionally
be given or sold to other studs. From these horses came other small Lipizzan studs, usually within the boundaries of the Austrian
During World War I, the breeding stock was relocated to Laxenburg near Vienna.
The foals were placed in the other imperial studfarm, Kladrub. After World War I, central Europe was reorganized. The large
Austrian-Hungarian empire was divided into several new republics, and every new state inherited the possessions of the former
monarchy. The breeding stock of the imperial studfarm of Lipizza (1580-1916) itself was divided among three different countries.
At the time, only 208 Lipizzans were known to be left in existence. The main part (109 horses) went to Italy, to which the
village of Lipizza and its surroundings had been awarded. The 1913-1915 foals remained at Kladrub, which was then owned by
the Czechoslovakian state. In 1919, the republic of Austria became the owner of the rest of the breeding stock and the stallions
of the Spanish Riding School. Following World War I, in addition to Italy, Czechoslovakia, and Austria, other new states which
continued the breeding of the Lipizzan horse were Hungary, Rumania, and Yugoslavia.
In 1943, the Lipizzan breed was again threatened with extinction when the mares
and foals from Austria, Italy, and Yugoslavia were transferred to Hostau in Czechoslovakia by the German High Command. Through
the heroic efforts of the Spanish Riding School’s director, Alois Podhajsky, the school was saved yet the performance
stallions were not returned to the school until 1955. In 1945, the perpetuation of the breed was guaranteed by the American
army, under the command of General Patton, which retrieved the mares and returned them to Austrian soil.
Today Lipizzans are found beyond the borders of what was once the Austrian-Hungarian
Empire. With less than 3,000 purebred Lipizzans in the world, the breed is
considered rare, and the number of foals born each year is correspondingly small. Extreme care is taken by those involved
in the production of Lipizzan horses to insure that the purity of the breed is preserved. Much effort has been expended to
develop educational programs to foster voluntary adherence to the traditional breed goals and objectives.
In the late 20th century, the Lipizzan has proven to be a successful competitor
at all levels of competition dressage and driving, as well as continuing to be the ultimate mount for classical horsemanship.
The breed has also proven to be suitable for other equestrian disciplines including pleasure riding. Owners and breeders are
dedicated to the Lipizzan breed because they appreciate its rarity, cultural importance, romantic history, and its traits
of intelligence, classical beauty, and harmonious, athletic way of moving.
History of the Lipizzan in the US
The first Lipizzans to be privately owned and to be brought to the United States were brought over in
1937 by the Austrian born opera singer, Madame Maria Jeritza. Jeritza brought her two stallions and 2 mares to California
and her husband (Winfield Sheehan) produced a movie in 1938 with the Lipizzan PLUTO II-1 and Neapolitano Conversana (known
as "Emperor") based on Felix Salten's book "Florian." Then in 1945, General Patton brought back from the Austrians, the stallion
PLUTO XX and several mares. When the Army disbanded its cavalry, they and their offspring were auctioned off at the Kellog
Remount Station in 1949. Some went to circuses.
In 1955, millionaire Tempel Smith (Tempel Steel) of Chicago, Illinois, imported 20 Lipizzans from Austria,
11 from Hungary, and 6 from Yugoslavia. He devoted 15 years, until his death in 1980, importing and breeding his herd to over
400 horses. Since Tempel Smith's death, most of the herd has been disbursed. Tempel Farms still breeds a small number of Lipizzans
each year, and George Williams continues to successfully show Lipizzans for Tempel Farms.
In 1959 a New York brewery imported 8 Lipizzans. Lipizzans and Lipizzan-Arab crosses were used for the
chariot races in the movie Ben Hur. In 1961 Evelyn Dreitzler, of Washington, imported 20 Lipizzans and began a breeding
program at Raflyn Farms. However, in 1975, a dam broke and tragically killed 28 of her Lipizzan horses. In 1976, one
of her 15-year old Lipizzan stallions, PLUTO CALCEDONA, made his film debut as Buffalo Bill's horse in a Paul Newman movie.
Until about 1981, Lipizzans were very difficult to acquire. Now they are growing rapidly in numbers all
over the United States. Disneyland owns a number of Lipizzan mares; the Marine Corps uses them in their Color Guard; and,
even former President Reagan had one in San Simeon, California.
The number of Lipizzans in California is estimated to be 100. Current estimates are: 600 in the United
States; less than 2000 worldwide, ranging from newborn to 35 or more years of age. There are now more than 20 breeders in California, Oregon, Washington,
and Arizona. Although Lipizzans are increasing in numbers and are available for purchase at reasonable prices, most people
don't advertise them for sale because they are usually approached by buyers soon after a foal is born. People buy Lipizzans
because they want a special, unique horse. More and more people are discovering Lipizzans and their calm disposition, trainability,
and versatile gaits.
Breed Characteristics
Lipizzans are not very tall, the largest stands about 16 hands, but their proud carriage, muscular bodies
and elastic, powerful movements make them appear much larger than they really are. Lipizzans are late maturing and long lived,
many times to 35 or more years of age. Lipizzans display elegance and nobility as soon as they are born. They are born black or bay and slowly turn "white" by the time they are five to eight years of age. Lipizzans are actually
grey; their dark skin hidden under a white coat is not revealed unless they are wet or bear a large scar. They are not fully
grown in size until they are seven and do not reach full maturity until almost ten years of age. At one year of age, most
Lipizzans look shockingly small compared to a Thoroughbred of the same age.
In addition, by the time they are eight months of age most Lipizzans begin to go through the most awkward,
ugly duckling stage from which they do not usually emerge until they are about three years old. During this period of awkwardness
a typical Lipizzan is barely recognized as a member of his breed. He looks more like a molting mule. In Austria the young
Lipizzans are turned out in the alps where no tourists can view them until they are brought back at the age of three. That
is when the elegance a Lipizzan possessed at birth returns and is increasingly manifested, even through old age, until the
day he dies.
The Lipizzan has a head-heavy, lethargic stance when found in the paddock. When he is turned out or ridden,
there is an unforgettable display of fiery animation, with head held high, neck arched, nostrils flared and an inborn ability
to leave the ground with incredible power and grace. Then, when approached by a person with a kind word, there is yet another
transformation, almost instantaneously, to a docile, gentle horse. He displays obedience and a desire to understand and please,
yet without losing his proud bearing and superior presence.
Lipizzans are of sound, heavy bone and lameness is rare. They are extremely adaptable to frequent or rapid
changes in their environment and their feed. It is their easy going nature and adaptability that makes them very easy keepers.
These are, no doubt, the same qualities which enabled the breed to survive some thirty years of being protectively marched
around Europe to various hiding places.
Lipizzans are a joy to ride with their soft, broad backs and lively gait . Their powerful hindquarters
allow them to carry themselves with a natural balance. They have a natural sense of rhythm and maintain a very even tempo
in all paces without constant adjustment on the part of the rider. They are extremely quiet and steady under saddle.
The stallions are extremely docile and easily handled. They are, in fact, easier to manage than the mares.
Respect, once earned by the handler, will always be there with the Lipizzan stallions. The mares, on the other hand, tend
to be a little bossy in a motherly way and must be reminded from time to time that they cannot pull parental rank on the handler.
They rarely shy at anything, and if they do, strangely, it is not for the reasons most horses shy. When
a Lipizzan is startled there is no feeling of fear or trembling. His back does not hollow out and leave the rider without
a place to sit; rather, a Lipizzan collects himself--his hind legs step under his body, his back elevates, seating his rider
even more securely in the saddle. The neck arches, insisting that the rider take up more rein. The horse begins piaffe (a
powerful trot in place full of cadence and rhythm) with exhilarating power and boldness. He feels like a coiled spring just
waiting for the command to capriole through the air. If instead the rider gives to the horse the smallest amount of rein,
the piaffe extends to the passage (a slow motion floating trot). This they do naturally. The Lipizzan makes even a beginning
rider believe, just for a moment, that he's an old, respected riding master.
He will respond with willingness and heart when respectfully asked to do so, even by the most inexperienced
horseperson ... but woe to the person who believes "a horse is a horse" and attempts to display an egotistical desire to bully
or intimidate the Lipizzan. When they are truly afraid or their sense of justice is violated by brutality, they stand their
ground, look the opponent in the eye, and "royally" prepare for battle--the very purpose for which they were first bred 400
years ago.
The number of half-Lipizzans now registered has grown to over 150. The half-Lipizzan owners are considering
possibilities for forming their own registry. Crossbreeding has become popular, not only in Europe, but in the United States
and Mexico. In Mexico and some parts of the US, Lipizzans are crossbred to quarter horses to produce excellent working cow
horses. When bred to Thoroughbreds, they produce exceptional event horses. Arabs are frequently bred to Lipizzans to produce
slightly heavier boned Arab-looking horse. Lipizzans consistently impart their proponent qualities of intelligence, temperament,
and soundness, (and, in almost all cases, color). It remains to be seen if they impart their longevity to other breeds. Lipizzans
will not only continue to gain popularity as more people come to know them, but also as a foundation breed to produce a superior
all-around American warmblood sporthorse--and possibly an American warmblood pony breed.
Lipizzan horses excel in dressage, especially at the upper levels. Most all Lipizzans are outstanding
in competition and in upper level movements such as piaffe, passage, and canter pirouettes, with a brilliance not usually
seen in other breeds. These abilities are inborn to the Lipizzan.
They excel not only as driving and dressage horses, but for jumping, cutting, reining, endurance, trail,
vaulting, and of course for pleasure. They are used extensively on the East Coast for handicapped riding programs. In spite
of their royalty, they are truly an all-around horse capable of performing whatever task is required.
Training the Lipizzan
Careful selection of a trainer or handler for a Lipizzan is necessary. A horse of such intelligence, and
in possession of such a sense of identity as the Lipizzan, requires a handler who can be flexible, treat him respectfully,
and take an individualized approach to his training.
As the late Col. Alois Podjasky (former director of the Spanish Riding School in Vienna) once said, "without
the subtle variations and adaptations of the method to the individual, riding would remain a sport limited to the level of
handicraft, without ever rising to the sphere of art."
The airs above the ground, such as levade, courbette and ballotade are witnessed from the time a Lipizzan is only a few days old, and they are later easily elicited. One must not
be tempted to encourage these movements under saddle until more elementary training has been accomplished. Otherwise the training
of a simple reinback, for example, could result in the trainer's being caught off guard when he finds himself being carried
through the air in a ballotade (a movement which looks similar to a rearing horse hopping on his hind legs).
A Lipizzan's early training under saddle must focus on a long, lengthened stride with the head stretched
down, reaching for the bit. Asking the Lipizzan to carry himself like a "parade horse" during training will result in the
neck muscles developing before they are lengthened, sacrificing flexibility in later years. This is especially important with
In addition, once the trainer is sure the Lipizzan knows what he is asking for whether it be on the ground
or under saddle, he must ask only once. If there is not an immediate, obedient response, an appropriate discipline must be
administered, such as a firm, well-placed smack of the whip. In contrast to a Thoroughbred, for example, a Lipizzan is not
very impressed by the whip. It is important that it be used with one swift, firm swat and not as a nagging tool, or he will become completely dull (due to his nature to endure pain & hardship)
to the whip, and of course, the aids.
Lipizzans have a large capacity to learn. They can be taught a number of different things in a single
training session without losing their patience or their desire to learn. However, if not previously handled, the first "training"
must begin slowly until the relationship and communication between horse and man is established. Then Lipizzans are so easily
trained and learn so quickly and obediently, that the trainer of a Lipizzan is often accused by horsepersons to have unfairly
"pushed" the horse. This is a natural assumption to make because very few horses learn so quickly with such physical and mental
stamina. The Lipizzan has an attention span and memory that is remarkable.
Famous Lipizzan Horses
Breed Organizations
For many years there was no United States registry for Lipizzans. Each farm
kept their own records and registry. One of those registries was the "Royal International Lipizzan Club," formed by Col. Ottomar
Herrmann in 1968. It was later sold to John Iannuzzi of New York and was renamed "Lipizzan Association of America." In February
1992 the Lipizzan Association of America was merged with the Arizona registry, the Lipizzan Society of North America, to form
the Lipizzan Association of North America. LANA is committed to perpetuating and preserving the Lipizzan breed in the United
States and providing accurate, verifiable pedigrees. LANA is the oldest representative of the Lipizzan International Federation
(LIF) in North America.
In 1980 the United States Lipizzan Registry (USLR) was formed by Kathy Naugle and a group of Lipizzan
enthusiasts. Since that time the registry has grown to include over 400 horses in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. The
registry researches and documents pedigrees, publishes a quarterly journal, and participates in USDF competition awards. In
order to expand the breeding base in the United States, the USLR allows artificial insemination and the transporting of semen
to breed. There are regional Lipizzan Associations in every area of the United States now. They sponsor shows, awards, and
local newsletters. |